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SSC Punctuation and capitalization all board Question

Punctuation and capitalization SSC all board Question

1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. [Rajshahi Board-2020]
arent you going to have any said i no i never eat asparagus i know there are people who dont like them the fact is that you ruin your palate by all the meat you eat she said.

Answer: “Aren't you going to have any?” said I. “No, I never eat asparagus.” “I know there are people who don't like them. The fact is that you ruin your palate by all the meat you eat,” she said.

2. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. [Sylhet Board-2020]
the teacher said to the girl do you think that honesty is the best policy yes sir i think so said the girl then learn to be honest from your childhood thank you sir said the girl may allah to bless you said the teacher

Answer: The teacher said to the girl, “Do you think that honesty is the best policy?" "Yes, sir, think so," said the girl. "Then learn to be honest from your childhood." "Thank you sir," said the girl. "May Allah bless you," said the teacher.

3. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. [Barishal Board-2020]
do not worry about a few mistakes said the teacher you can learn a lot through your mistakes do we learn from our mistakes asked the boy.

Answer: "Do not worry about a few mistakes," said the teacher, "you can learn a lot through your mistakes." "Do we learn from our mistakes?" asked the boy.

4. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. [Chattogram Board-2020]
how is your father bilkis said mr rahman he is very well thank you bilkis replied i am glad to hear that he is in good health said mr rahman

Answer: "How is your father, Bilkis?" said Mr. Rahman. "He is very well. Thank you," Bilkis replied. "I am glad to hear that he is in good health," said Mr. Rahman.

5. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. [Dinajpur Board-2020]
hello old lady what are you doing said the princess i am spinning a yarn around the spindle replied the old woman

Answer: "Hello, old lady, what are you doing?" said the Princess. "I am spinning a yarn around the spindle," replied the old woman.

6. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. [Mymensingh Board-2020]
would you please tell me one reason of air pollution yes the smoke from our household activities vehicles factories etc is mainly causing air pollution

Answer: "Would you please tell me one reason of air pollution?" "Yes, the smoke from our household activities, vehicles, factories etc. is mainly causing air pollution.

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